Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Maya plugin for intersection

I spent some time lately trying to write a Maya plugin that would find the intersection of two surfaces and help then the user "fix" that intersection, i.e., deform at least one of the surfaces so that they intersect no more. Here is the video of what I managed to do so far.

It is by far not complete, but I decided to call it a day for now until I feel like getting back to it. It is also very simple - right now it only works with oriented surfaces, as I'm using the triangle normals to figure the interior and the exterior of the intersection. And this is pretty much what it does, it gives you the intersection points and the list of interior points on each mesh. Then you can use either of these lists to select the intersecting points on one of the meshes and then do something with them, like move them or shrink wrap to the other surface (which is what I do in the video above).

As for Maya, it proved to be much harder than I thought. Respect to all the people that are working with the Maya API, both in C++ and MEL (or Python). This is some pretty hard stuff to learn. Therefore, my solution isn't final yet. All I managed to do is create a locator node with some custom drawing (based on an example) and just plot the intersection points. The outputs of my node are: the number of intersection points, the list of interior points for mesh 1 and 2, respectively, and each of the two mesh patches involved in the intersection (the intersecting triangles and the interior ones). Then I wrote a MEL procedure to take the interior point list output (an int array) and use it to make a vertex selection. In my opinion, this is pretty useful, even if I'm replicating the work, as the boolean operation in Maya doesn't offer this option. Then you can do what you want with it. 

For the spheres case, a shrink wrap using vertex normals seemed to do the job (after some tweaking of the parameters). what the shrink wrap does is choose a direction (or one per vertex) and shoot rays from each vertex (raycast) until they intersect the other surface - those will be the target positions.  But moving the vertices along the normals also works, as well as using a bit of soft selection (but not what I expected, really). What the shrink wrap does is choose a direction (or one per vertex) and shoot rays from each vertex (raycast) until they intersect the other surface - those will be the target positions. Of course, there are a million ways this could go wrong for more complex scenarios, e.g., triangle inversions and self intersections. I wrote my own shrink-wrap-like deformer to better control the process. The key is to only advance by incremental steps before self-intersections occur; and even if it does occur it can be reversed by some smoothing operation. As you can see in the example below in some cases you need to first smooth (a lot) the mesh selection before starting the shrink wrap deformation.

I need to play a bit more with the deformation direction field: average it somehow, use rays coming back from the other mesh, etc. But I still think vertex normals are essential for the direction of deformation, as they are also the gradient of the volume of intersection (which we would like to minimize down to zero).

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